Release Notes

Enhanced Meetings: New Personalized Meeting Topics

Written by Holly Tate | Jul 24, 2024 12:15:00 PM

Meetings inside Leadr are now even more customizable. 📆

Personalized Topic Management

Say hello to the "My Topics" tab. Users can now effortlessly create and manage their own topics and templates. These personalized topics are exclusive to the user who created them, ensuring a tailored meeting experience.

Enhanced Organizational Control

The "My Org" tab just got a power boost. Now editable only by org admins, this tab allows admins to craft and control topics and templates for the entire organization. Admins can curate the perfect set of discussion points for everyone in your organization.

Manager-Specific Topics

Within the "My Org" tab, admins have a new superpower: marking topics and templates as "Managers Only." This means certain topics will be visible exclusively to managers in Leadr, ensuring that the right conversations happen at the right level.

Experience these powerful new features today and take your meetings to the next level.