Essential Collections: 103 Motivational Leadership Quotes

43 min read
Dec 6, 2019 4:28:26 PM

Browse our collection of the best, most inspirational quotes about leadership and then download your favorite images for free, unlimited personal or commercial use on social media, blogs, etc.

Leadership comes in many forms. We’ve compiled over 100 of the best motivational, leadership quotes from a variety of voices across all areas of culture and society.

Each quote includes a shareable social graphic, sized for either horizontal (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) or square (Instagram) for easy download and sharing on your own social channels. If you do share socially, tag us (@leadrinc) and we’ll help you promote your post.

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Leadership Quotes from Philosophers & Deep Thinkers

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Plato

"Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow." - Plato

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Henry David Thoreau

“Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.” - Henry David Thoreau

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Benjamin Franklin

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin
Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Henry & Richard Blackaby

“The greatness of an organization is directly proportional to the greatness of its leader. As leaders grow personally, they increase their capability to lead. As they increase their capability to lead, they enlarge the capacity of their organization to grow.” Henry & Richard Blackaby

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Antoine De Saint Exupery

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” –Antoine De Saint Exupery

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Thomas Edison

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” - Thomas Edison

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - John Locke

“New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.” - John Locke

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Alexander Graham Bell

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” - Alexander Graham Bell

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Isaac Newton

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” - Isaac Newton

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Lao Tzu

“To lead people, walk beside them. As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence … When the best leader’s work is done, the people say, ‘We did it ourselves!” – Lao Tzu

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Peter Drucker

“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” – Peter F. Drucker

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Aristotle

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle, Greek Philospher

Leadership Quotes from Poets & Authors

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Ken Robinson

“The role of a creative leader is not to have all the ideas; it’s to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel that they’re valued.” – Ken Robinson

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Everything is hard before it is easy.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Samuel Johnson

“Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.” –Samuel Johnson

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Simon Sinek

"Customers will never love a company until employees love it first.” - Simon Sinek

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Craig Groeschel

“Leadership is not about titles. Leadership is about trust.” - Craig Groeschel

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Andy Stanley

“Leadership is not having the right answers — it’s asking the right questions.” - Andy Stanley

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Brené Brown

“I define a leader as anyone who takes responsibility for finding potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.” Brene Brown

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - James Clear

“When making plans, think big.When making progress, think small” – James Clear

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Earl Nightingale

“Just one great idea can completely revolutionize your life.” - Earl Nightingale

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Dale Carnegie

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” - Dale Carnegie

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Warren Bennis

“A true leader not only cares about their success, but the success and empowerment of others.” - Warren G. Bennis

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Anne Frank

“How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before beginning to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Mark Twain

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” - Mark Twain

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Richard Branson

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” - Richard Branson

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - J.R.R. Tolkien

“Little by little, one travels far.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Tony Robbins

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” - Tony Robbins

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Edward R. Murrow

“To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; credible we must be truthful.” – Edward R. Murrow

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - J.K. Rowling

“We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.” – J.K. Rowling

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Stephen Covey

“What you do has far greater impact than what you say.” – Stephen Covey

Leadership Quotes from Artists & Entertainers

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Billy Cox

“Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.” -Billy Cox

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Leonardo da Vinci

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” - Leonardo da Vinci

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Dolly Parton

“Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” -Dolly Parton

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - James Baldwin

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” - James Baldwin

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Ben Hardy

“The more successful you become, the less you can justify low quality. The more focused you must become, the more consistently your daily behaviors must be high quality — and increasingly higher quality.” - Ben Hardy

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Oprah Winfrey

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” - Oprah Winfrey

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Denzel Washington

“At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about what you’ve done with those accomplishments. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” - Denzel Washington

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Elvis Presley

“It’s not how much you have that makes people look up to you, it’s who you are.” - Elvis Presley

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Bruce Lee

“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” - Bruce Lee

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Elton John

“Better to build a bridge than a wall.” - Elton John

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - James Baldwin

“Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.” - James Baldwin

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Mae West

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” - Mae West

Leadership Quotes from Business Leaders

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Kary Oberbrunner

"Once we stop being creative, we settle for copying or criticism." - Kary Oberbrunner

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Anne Sweeney

“Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live.” — Anne Sweeney, Co-Chair of Disney

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Earl Nightingale

“Don't take the attitude of waiting for people to be nice to you - be nice to them. Don’t sit in front of a cold stove waiting for the heat. Put in the fuel. Act first.” - Earl Nightingale

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Simon Sinek

“A boss has the title, a leader has the people.” - Simon Sinek

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Mark Zuckerberg

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” - Mark Zuckerberg

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Jim Collins

“If you have more than 3 priorities then you don't have any.” - Jim Collins

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Alan Kay

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” -Alan Kay. Chief Scientist at Apple

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Jim Rohn

“A lot of people don’t do well simply because they major in minor things.” - Jim Rohn

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Richard Branson

“People are no different than flowers. If you water flowers, they flourish, if you praise people they flourish. And that is a critical attribute of a leader.” - Richard Branson

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Camille Fournier

“Treat your peers as interesting fellow humans, and you may be surprised what it does for their motivation, dedication, and engagement.” - Camille Fournier

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Tyler Hogge

“And of course, the perpetually scarcest resource: true leaders.” - Tyler Hogge

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Bill Gates

“Patience is a key element of success.” - Bill Gates

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Mary Kay Ash

“For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.” - Mary Kay Ash

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Henry Ford

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.” - Henry Ford

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Steve Jobs

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who actually do.” - Steve Jobs

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Henry Ford

“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” - Henry Ford

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Coco Chanel

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” - Coco Chanel

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Walt Disney

“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.” - Walt Disney

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Sam Walton

“Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” – Sam Walton, founder of Walmart and Sam’s Club

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Warren Buffett

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Jack Welch

“Before you are leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” - Jack Welch


Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Zig Ziglar

“You can have everything in life that you want if you just give enough other people what they want.” - Zig Ziglar

Leadership Quotes from Athletes & Coaches

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - David Beckham

“That was my way of getting through difficult times of low confidence – hard work.” - David Beckham

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Bill Russell

“The most important measure of how good a game I played was how much better I made my teammates play.” - Bill Russell

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Michael Jordan

“Some people want it to happen, some people wish it would happen, others make it happen.” - Michael Jordan

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Babe Ruth

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” - Babe Ruth

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Roger Federer

“There is no way around the hard work. Embrace it.” - Roger Federer

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Tom Brady

“Too often in life, something happens and we blame other people for us not being happy or satisfied or fulfilled. So the point is, we all have choices, and we make the choice to accept people or situations or to not accept situations.” - Tom Brady

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Neil Armstrong

“Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand.” - Neil Armstrong


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“Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” - Vince Lombardi

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Cristiano Ronaldo

“We don’t want to tell our dreams. We want to show them.” - Cristiano Ronaldo

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Tom Landry

“Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you’re in control, they’re in control.” – Tom Landry, former Dallas Cowboys coach

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Serena Williams

“I really think a champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.” - Serena Williams

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Simone Biles

“Today, do what others won’t so tomorrow you can accomplish what others can’t.” - Simone Biles

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Billie Jean King

“Champions keep playing until they get it right.” - Billie Jean King

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Ralph Nader

"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." - Ralph Nader

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Maya Angelou

"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it." -Maya Angelou

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Robert Schuller

"Tough times never last, but tough people do." -Robert H. Schuller

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“A leader is someone who helps improve the lives of other people or improve the system they live under.” – Sam Houston

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - John F. Kennedy

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” - John F. Kennedy

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Michelle Obama

“Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.” - Michelle Obama

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Richard Nixon

“The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire.” - Richard M. Nixon

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Helen Keller

“We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough.” - Helen Keller

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“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” - Ronald Reagan

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Hillary Clinton

“Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in.” - Hillary Clinton

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“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” - Gandhi

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Harry S. Truman

“It's amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” - Harry S. Truman

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Calvin Coolidge

“We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once.” - Calvin Coolidge

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Booker T. Washington

“Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work.” -Booker T. Washington

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Winston Churchill

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” –Winston Churchill

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Michelle Obama

“Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.” - Michelle Obama

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Napoleon Bonaparte

“A leader is a dealer in hope.” - Napoleon Bonaparte


Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - John F. Kennedy

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” - John F. Kennedy

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Theodore Roosevelt

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Princess Diana

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” - Princess Diana

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Margaret Thatcher

“Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.” - Margaret Thatcher

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Thomas Jefferson

“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” —Thomas Jefferson

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Henry Kissinger

“The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been.” ― Henry Kissinger

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Mother Teresa

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” – Mother Teresa

Royalty free downloadable leadership quotes - Max Lucado

“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” – Max Lucado


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