Filling out your Leadr profile is one of the best ways to begin working more effectively with your team by sharing with them how you prefer to work. It’s also one of the easiest ways to get started using Leadr - and we’ve made it even easier. You can now fill out your entire profile from the Leadr mobile app!

Within your mobile app, navigate to Profile - Personality to learn about the different personality tests displayed within Leadr and easily take the tests from your phone.
You can also fill out your Favorite Things section, found within your Profile.
Spend a few moments inputting fun facts about yourself, such as your favorite food, snack, and of course any custom categories your organization has added. That way, on birthdays, anniversaries, or other special occasions, your team can celebrate you with the treats you enjoy most.

Check out these same insights on your team member’s profiles. When you navigate to their profile card, you can get to know them better by clicking on their DiSC, Enneagram or Myers Briggs personality type. This will populate an overview on how to better work with someone who has that personality type for more effective meetings and collaboration.
For more on how to use personality tests as a leadership development tool, be sure to check out our recent blog.
Download the latest version of the Leadr mobile app on iOS or Android to test out these upgrades!

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