Release Notes / Team Meetings

Enhanced Meetings: New Personalized Meeting Topics

Enhanced Meetings: New Personalized Meeting Topics

Meetings inside Leadr are now even more customizable. 📆 Personalized Topic Management Say hello to the "My Topics" tab. Users can now effortlessly create and manage their own topics and templates. These personalized topics are exclusive to the user who created them, ensuring a tailor …

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New Feature: Meeting Attachments are Here

New Feature: Meeting Attachments are Here

Say goodbye to your attachment issues! 🔗

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Master Meeting Effectiveness with Leadr Agenda Sections

Master Meeting Effectiveness with Leadr Agenda Sections

Say goodbye to meetings full of comments that can’t be turned into Action Items or Reflections and often create a confusing, unorganized meeting experience.

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Don’t leave Slack. Lead from it.

Don’t leave Slack. Lead from it.

Staying on top of meetings and agenda items can be difficult when you’re on the go throughout the week. Leadr has always helped you to organize your meetings and make sure they are efficient and effective, and now with Slack integrations, keeping your meetings in check is even easier. …

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Meetings Got An Upgrade: Start & End Times

Meetings Got An Upgrade: Start & End Times

Gone are the days when you could only set a meeting for an hour by default.

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NEW! Calendar Integration

NEW! Calendar Integration

The wait is over! We’re excited to announce what has been, by far, our most requested feature is finally available. No more misalignment between your Leadr meetings and calendar meetings...

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What’s New In Leadr? Q1 & Q2 Roundup

What’s New In Leadr? Q1 & Q2 Roundup

In this video, SVP of Growth, Holly Tate, discusses Q2 Product Updates in Leadr with VP of Product & Engineering, Jason Glover, and Director of Customer Success, Garrett Campbell. They talk about what we’re hearing from customers and new product features in Q1 and Q2 that will hel …

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It’s Now Easier To Add Your Teammates To Meetings

It’s Now Easier To Add Your Teammates To Meetings

As your organization grows, the list of people that can be added to your meetings grows too! We’ve updated the people selection inside meetings to allow you to more easily find and select the participants for your meetings. You can now filter the list to your department, your direct r …

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More Meeting Flexibility

More Meeting Flexibility

While we currently support flexible options for scheduling meetings, we’ve heard a need for MORE flexibility; especially when scheduling monthly recurring meetings.

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Time For An Update…

Time For An Update…

Do you have meetings that are just scheduled for a day, with no specific time?

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