Release Notes

Don’t leave Slack. Lead from it.

Don’t leave Slack. Lead from it.

Staying on top of meetings and agenda items can be difficult when you’re on the go throughout the week. Leadr has always helped you to organize your meetings and make sure they are efficient and effective, and now with Slack integrations, keeping your meetings in check is even easier. …

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Cross-Functional Team Management Made Easier

Cross-Functional Team Management Made Easier

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How can you measure your team’s employee engagement? Introducing Leadr Insights: The ROI of your people development efforts

How can you measure your team’s employee engagement? Introducing Leadr Insights: The ROI of your people development efforts

Leadr Insights is your one-stop-shop to assess overall team cultural health and employee engagement, in the moment, and also to track it over time. Measuring employee engagement is critical to building a team culture that attracts and retains top talent. Research tells us that the str …

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A New Kind Of Summer Playlist

A New Kind Of Summer Playlist

Imagine this: All of your digital onboarding, training materials and compliance content in one place, beautifully organized and easily sent out to each member of your team. If that sounds like something you need, Leadr can help.

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Leadr Learning 2.0 - Not Your Average LMS

Leadr Learning 2.0 - Not Your Average LMS

Customized learning is at the heart of leadership development. Not only should every team member in your organization have a personalized growth plan, but it should be a plan that grows and evolves with them.

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Creating and Managing Group Goals with Leadr

Creating and Managing Group Goals with Leadr

At Leadr we believe that every employee should have clearly documented goals that allow them to measure success. By keeping these goals front and center, you and your team can track progress and realign priorities on a daily basis boosting productivity and clarity. Individual goals ar …

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Meetings in Leadr are Better Than Ever!

Meetings in Leadr are Better Than Ever!

In many organizations, meetings have gotten a bad rap. Let’s face it, meetings aren’t always productive, and often the follow through after a meeting just isn’t there. Leadr is on a mission to help organizations make their meetings more productive so that their teams can thrive and de …

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User Groups Make It Easier To Select Your Teammates By Category

Leadr Tools

You spoke and we listened! The product team has been hard at work creating a feature that allows Leadr admins to assign individuals to specific teams within your organization, saving you time and making your role as a manager easier.

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New Timeline Design Makes Meetings Even Better!

New Timeline Design Makes Meetings Even Better!

Leadr now has a sleek new timeline to allow for easy navigation and more clear focus on the critical details that you need.

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A New Way To Save Feedback

Print Out Feedback In Leadr

Have you ever gotten feedback that you wanted to print out and keep forever (or until your next meeting)? Well, now you can do just that.

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